Top Three Reasons Why Painting Your Commercial or Industrial Property Will Increase its Value

If your commercial or industrial building is looking a little worse for wear, it might be time for a fresh coat of paint. Not only will your building look better, but a new paint job can actually improve your property value and attract more people to your business. Here’s why you should consider industrial or commercial painting in Indianapolis, IN.

Improve your building’s value

You’ve probably heard about “curb appeal” as it applies to homes; some home improvement TV networks have built their programming around the concept. However, curb appeal also applies to commercial and industrial buildings. If you want to increase your property value—or even just preserve it—you’ll need to keep the outside looking just as great as the inside.

Painting your commercial or industrial building is the best way to give a great first impression. Well-maintained properties attract customers, but they also attract property buyers. After all, the last thing a buyer wants is an endless “to do” list to deal with after they buy a building. If you’re planning to sell in the next few years, getting a fresh coat of paint will help you get ahead of the game.

Increase foot traffic to your business

Improving your curb appeal isn’t just for property buyers, either. When your building looks well-cared-for, customers will notice. Given the choice between a run-down business and one that clearly pays attention to its exterior, most new customers will pick the freshly painted version.

On top of increasing foot traffic, fresh paint is also a good way to signal big changes. For example, if you’re rebranding, a new paint job will draw attention to that fact.

Don’t forget the interiors, either. New paint jobs can improve employee morale and productivity—choose colors that evoke the qualities you want to project. Color has a profound psychological effect on people. The right paint choice can do wonders.

Attract quality tenants

Finally, a new commercial or industrial paint job will help you attract quality tenants—the kind that pay on time and bring new business to the neighborhood. Like customers, a tenant will automatically choose a building where it looks like the landlord cares. Updating the paint is a smart, subtle way to show you want your customers or tenants to be comfortable.

Generally, a commercial or industrial building should be repainted every five years. However, if your building sees a lot of wear and tear—either from the occupants or the weather conditions—you may need to repaint more often.

Obviously, getting the right industrial or commercial paint job in Indianapolis, IN can make a big difference in how your business is perceived. That’s why it’s so important to repaint on schedule with an experienced company. Knauss Property Services, LLC is dedicated to ensuring that your industrial or commercial properties always look sparkling clean, well maintained and ready to attract the kind of tenants or customers you desire. Get in touch with us today to learn more and get a quote. We look forward to scheduling a consultation to discuss your needs!

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