Four Things You Need to Know Before You Sign a Contract for Masonry Restoration in Indianapolis, IN

A couple in Indianapolis bought a beautiful historic home that needed some restoration work. The beautiful brick façade was faded and the mortar was almost non-existent in some areas, so they called in a local mason who claimed he was an expert in masonry restoration.

When everything was completed, however, the homeowners were aghast to find that the once beautiful brick façade of their historic home now looked like an odd, disjointed jigsaw puzzle. They called in a second opinion and found out, to their dismay, that not only had the original mason not done the job correctly, but he had compromised the integrity of the bricks and mortar beyond repair in the process.

If you’re looking into masonry restoration in Indianapolis, IN, don’t make the same mistake this couple did. Hiring a mason for a restoration project takes time and research if you want the job done right. Below are four things to keep in mind before you sign a contract for masonry restoration in Indianapolis, IN:

  • Experience matters: Always ask your mason what type of work they’ve done in the past, and whether they’ve done a job like yours before—but then don’t automatically take their word for it. Ask to see pictures, ask for references and, if necessary, go check out their previous job sites yourself. Experience matters in this business. You don’t want to risk irreparable damage to your home by hiring an inexperienced mason.
  • Masonry restoration is an art: The biggest mistake the couple in our story made was thinking that all masons are the same. If you think about it, you wouldn’t hire just any window installer to install a stained glass window. Why would you hire just any mason for a serious restoration job? Masonry restoration is an art form; it requires years of experience, expert skill, an eye for detail and knowledge of different techniques.
  • Material compatibility is essential: To maintain the integrity of your structure, material compatibility is key. Older homes often have brick, stone or limestone that is difficult to match. Finding the right material and color can be a challenge, but cutting corners in this area will leave you with a hodgepodge look. Make sure your mason has a wide variety of vendors for obtaining the right materials for the job.
  • Perfection takes time: Any restoration job that is done properly takes time. You wouldn’t want a mason who rushes through a project just to get it done. Sometimes locating and ordering the right materials alone can take several weeks. Just keep in mind when embarking on a restoration project that anything worth doing is worth doing right.

If you’re looking to do a masonry restoration in Indianapolis, IN, don’t make the same mistake the couple in our story did. Do your research and be sure to hire an experienced mason for your project. To learn more about the work we do here at Knauss Property Services, or to discuss your masonry project, give us a call today!

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