Should You Use Epoxy Painting in Indianapolis, IN for Hotel Pools?

The pool is often one of the top amenities of a hotel. Guests may make their decision on where to stay based on this feature. That means the quality and appeal of the pool must remain high. How can this be accomplished? What is the best maintenance solution for this amenity? Can you keep the pool looking sharp with epoxy painting in Indianapolis, IN?

To answer this question, you must familiarize yourself with the different methods of commercial building painting in Indianapolis, IN. Use the following overview to determine if epoxy is the best solution for your pool.

Pool Finish Options

As you weigh your options for maintaining your hotel pool, four contenders come to the top. The first three are different types of commercial building painting in Indianapolis, IN.
Epoxy pool paint is the most durable of the three paints. It holds up well under UV rays and withstands the harsh treatment of pool cleaners and chemicals. If you apply epoxy painting in Indianapolis, IN to your pool, you can expect it to last up to seven seasons.

The second option is rubber base pool paint. This one-part pool paint is less expensive than epoxy paint, but it is also not as durable. It usually lasts one to four seasons, depending on the type chosen.

Water based acrylic pool paint can be used on any type of pool surface. It can also be applied to damp surfaces. However, it only lasts between two and three years. If you plan to repaint frequently, this might be a good solution, as it is easy to apply to a variety of pool styles.

The last option is vastly different than the first three. If you prefer not to simply repaint the pool, you can plaster it instead. When properly applied, this solution can last 15 to 20 years. However, it is an extensive process that involves a lot of prep, additional costs and specialized skill to apply. Due to the complexity of the project, many hotel owners opt for one of the painting options.

Epoxy Advantages

For many hotel owners, epoxy painting in Indianapolis, IN offers the most feasible solution for pool painting. It lasts for many seasons and offers a durable finish to keep the pool in great shape.

Using epoxy paint, hotel owners can also easily create logos, tiled patterns or underwater murals to add further appeal to the pool. You can use multiple colors or designs to add interest and character to your pool area, without the cost of mosaic tiles or plaster. Choose a new design every seven years to keep things fresh and appealing to guests!

Ask the Experts

Which solution is best for your hotel pool? If you need expert advice for commercial building painting in Indianapolis, IN, turn to the pros at Knauss Property Services, LLC. Our experienced professionals can answer any questions you have about epoxy painting in Indianapolis, IN and help you choose the option that offers optimal results for your setting. Reach out to us today for a consultation or to get started on your next project.